Rabbit Microchipping

Pet rabbits – whether indoor or outdoor – are just as likely as dogs or cats to escape into the big unknown which is why it is important to microchip your rabbit.

Your rabbit cannot wear a collar so a microchip is the only form of identification a rabbit can have.

To lose your rabbit would be very distressing and it is extremely difficult to reunite an owner with their lost pet if the pet cannot be reliably identified.

It’s a very simple way of permanent identification for any pet.

Your vet will inject a tiny microchip (about the size of a grain of rice) under the loose skin of your rabbit’s neck, which will give your rabbit his own personal identification number. It’s quick, painless and very safe.

Should your rabbit stray and get handed in to a veterinary surgery, rescue centre, the police or local authority, they have special hand held scanners that can detect and “read” the information on the microchips.

Once your rabbit’s unique number has been checked against the national database and identified him as yours, you will be reunited without further delay.